Sunday, September 26, 2010

Elections updates

Updated September 27 at 7:30 p.m. EDT

The Venezuelan press reports that Hugo Chavez's manipulation with the votes makes certain states with less population to be over represented with delegates providing a winning edge for Chavez. Isn't this against the law? Chavez seems to control the results of the elections like it or not.

Ley hace que oposición obtenga más votos pero menos diputados

Nuestro sistema comicial contempla una sobre representación de los estados menos poblados, en los que domina el oficialismo.

Update September 27 at 5:55 a.m. EDT

Confirmed results from the report that the Venezuelan opposition (UNIDAD) won 60 representatives to the General Assembly and the Chavismo (PSUV) won 95 representatives.

Oposición rompe mayoría calificada del PSUV

There are still results to be announced, but at least the first official report confirms the following figures:

Update at 8:45 p.m EDT

The polling stations closed at 6:00 p.m. Caracas time, and citizens are waiting for the official results. Hopefully, Chavez's voting machines are not programmed to provide different results as has been reported in previous elections.

The Venezuelan press reports that police reinforcement are going out on the streets. The presence of the alleged Chavez's thugs para-motorcycles force is reported being controlled, and at least four groups of these awful individuals have been detained:

Plan República detuvo preventivamente a 4 grupos de motorizados

Ordenan aumentar patrullaje en espera de los resultados

Update at 12:45 p.m. EDT

One of the opposition observers reported that at the National Pantheon there has been voters participation to 25 - 30 percent so far. The observer also reported a Chavista caravan driving by screaming pro-Chavez statements.

Chavez's alleged thug para-motorcycle force seems to be active and has already impeded a candidate to vote. However, the claims that the situations reported are under control.

CNE asegura que incidentes en centros electorales han sido controlados

Motorizados armados impiden votar a Yván Olivares

Posted at 11:00 a.m. EDT

Venezuelan opposition members are sending pictures showing their finger marked as voted. By 9:00 a.m. at least eighty percent of the polling stations were open according to volunteers reporting.

The non-profit organization Asamblea de Educacion has available observers accredited by the in 21 locations and have enabled the following system to denounce fraud as caught, and to report anything of matter:

SMS # 7862 ANAE and message
Twitter @asamedu the assembly will be reporting the process

Para enviar un mensaje, con denuncias verificables, esta el SMS # 7862, se deben poner las letras ANAE (espacio) y luego el mensaje;
el twitter de Asamblea de Educación por el que se estarán enviando noticias e información, es @asamedu;
y el correo electrónico, igualmente para enviar denuncias comprobables y verificables es:

Chavez aiming to keep control in legislative vote

Maru Angarita
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