Sunday, February 08, 2009

City Violence

Update 2:

“La Piedrita” planta cara a Hugo Chávez

After reading the above article with the response from La Piedrita to Chavez it sounds similar to what Chavez says all the time in his speeches to the nation full of hatred. Humm, as Clark Kent is really Superman; thus, as a Logic professor would say if Clark Kent is Superman is Chavez La Piedrita?

Update 1:
Seven police officers were detained as possible responsibles for the attacks against the Synagogue in Caracas:

Detienen a 7 policías (PM, CICPC y PoliCaracas) por el ataque a la Sinagoga

A grenade was thrown inside the Accion Democratica offices this morning.

Arrojan granada a sede de Acción Democrática

This was following another bomb inside the Church of San Jose de Chacao earlier this morning:

Artefacto explosivo detonó en la madrugada en la Iglesia San José de Chacao

It seems that Chavez's thugs are starting to feel the losing streak. So, what are they going to do after Chavez loses his abusive power? Go underground like the guerrillas of the 1950 and 60s, or build tunnels like Hamas?

Maru Angarita

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