Saturday, February 10, 2007

Venezuela's Political Disaster - February 10, 2007

Dear Journalists,

A long list of basic foods are currently unavailable in Venezuela. The food shortages are affecting every one as reported in the next links:

There are reports that Chavez's officials are threatening with expropriating businesses and looting as explained in the attached e-mail paragraph:

En el orden DEMOCRATICO y PARTICIPATIVO de este régimen, fueron convocados los representantes de la Asociación de Supermercados y Frigoríficos, la reunión transcurrió en un ambiente de puras AMENAZAS:

1- Fueron amenazados con expropiación de los Frigoríficos y Mataderos.

2- A los supermercados se les dijo que si no empezaban a vender carne regulada iban a sentir "La FUERZA DEMOLEDORA del PUEBLO en la CALLE "(Saqueos)

In the meantime, Chavez is financing coca plants in Bolivia as reported in the attached link from El "Venezuela funds coca leaves manufacturing plants in Bolivia:"

I have always wondered if Chavez's deranged behavior including talking for hours non-stop is caused by substance abuse. Chavez's wacky behavior became more evident last year during a trip to Bolivia and Argentina during the Fourth Summit of the Americas in Mar del Plata, Argentina:

Workers of RCTV network are gathering this afternoon in Caracas at Plaza Francia collecting firms for freedom defending democracy, and to get rid of Chavez.

Venezuela is a hostage nation led by dictator Chavez.


Maru Angarita
My blog is: